Wednesday 4 June 2008

Fall Fecundity

Hottest days are still ahead of us, but I can almost foresight my fecund fall garden.

In the photo (first row L-R: Cayenne Peppers, cucumbers, tomato delicious) (Second row L-R: Jalapeno Peppers, cherry Tomato, salad greens) (Third row L-R: Tomato Roma, Beefsteak tomato, Mixed bell peppers)

The long, cold nights bring brilliant changes everywhere. Especially to vegetable gardens and farms in our part of the world. As September spreads its colors,sowing of fall crops begin.

Now is the perfect time to have a plan ready. Seeds that I selected to plant in forthcoming months are on their way to me. The reason for getting seeds so early is that unlike the situation here, growing season in the West will end as the winters appear bringing an end to the seed marketing.

This fall will bring glorious new crops to my pot garden. Cayenne pepper is the first hot chilly that I will be growing. Slim, red, 8 inch long pepper is rated hottest. First batch is still young. Gloves are above the list of things needed.

Growing the famous Mexican Jalapeno Peppers will be a thrilling experience. For these I think I will need pizza ingredients in advance!

Mix variety of bell peppers are my favorite. With the big red, yellow diamond and the purple beauty still blooming, and the new plants emerging, I am enjoying 8th month of the same plant’s fruits.

Another cold weather crop, Cucumber will be a blissful addition to the garden. I am not sure if I got determinate or the indeterminate type. But I do have extra canes if it’s not the bush variety.

Salad Greens and strawberries will add more freshness to my garden this winter. For these i will be investing in triple storey racks or tray stands to save space.

Beefsteak Tomato is one of the crops that I am most excited about. This tasty, meaty tomato weights around 2 lb, excellent to make purée, to can or to store. Will need large containers for these beauties.

Similar to the beefsteak tomatoes, is Tomato Delicious. As the name says, it’s the most delicious of all. Weighting 1 lb makes it as special as the beefsteak.

Tomato Roma is a classic Italian paste tomato. Plant is a bush type. So I will not need canes for this juicy tomato. Besides these new varieties, I will defiantly grow cherry and grape tomatoes again.

Fall is a wonderful time to enjoy gardening the most. Pleasantly blazing sun, widespread blue sky, lush colors of your garden and fresh mouth-watering food from around the world growing in your home is the most joyful experience.

Have a plot ready for your productive winter garden.

Happy gardening!

*Vegetables are not the only thing I am trying my hands on this fall, check out my next blog for more.