Thursday 17 September 2009

Keeping Track

This morning when I was walking inside the school, it was a joy to see all students running towards their pots, watering them and excitedly talking about plants.
Two girls were watering their radish seeds in plastic glasses through the window that reflected early morning sun, a crowd was scattered in the corridors near the plastic bags, and right when i was loving the sight of passionate gardeners, some angry prefects ran towards me with complains about students that they want to see their plants all the time, and they cant allow that because then they never leave:)

Although I felt even more joy, but they were right too. So told them that they should be only allowed during break. As I took a tour around the campus to see the progress, in few classes teachers caught me walking pass the window, and asked if I was the gardening teacher, scared.. I said yes. They also had same complain! That students wont sit on their chairs, they keep going back to their plants on the window slab. :)

I felt super good. Only because without anyone forcing these kids to look after their plants, they have developed an attachment with them. As soon as they enter the campus, they run to see their plants, now their plantation area has become their favorite hangout, they themselves have started sharing duties to water their plants and then not to forget all the requests to take their plants with them for the weekend:)

Well... I cant put my feeling into words.. I am totally crazy in this regard. The satisfaction that I am getting by seeing these children turning so passionate about gardening and nature,teachers and domestics asking for developing interest in sowing seeds and uncountable question sessions by students when ever and where ever they see me, is just beyond expression.

Sow a seed!

~ Happy Gardening

Monday 14 September 2009


Each day brings new surprises, new reasons to be thankful and to appreciate the beauty that still surrounds us. This morning I was lucky to encounter some bumble bees buzzing around this stunning wild plant.

These fuzzy bees are usually 3/4 to 1 1/2 inch long,with yellow and black band or stripes on them(although this property changes in some species).Unlike Honey bees, they are not honey producers but pollination greatly depend on these social servers.

If you ever catch the sight of a bumble bee hovering over a flower, feeding on nectar and collecting pollen as it go to one flower after the another,just pause and adore the little creature that is quietly keeping this world green. Although nature produced more than 200 species of bumble bees, but sadly they are facing a threat of extinction. The only thing we can do to save them is to preserve their habitats.

It enough for our awakening that these great bees have been praised in Holy Quran and have been set as an example for us.