Monday 22 April 2013

Earth Day 2013: New Beginnings

' Dharti Maa say piyar ' courtesy Umme Aimen Kazmi
It is a day to sow new gardens, to fill your soul with aroma of life and to become one with mother nature. Its Earth Day!

One can truly connect with the mother nature when he sows a seed, love and nurtures it. That is how the cycle of love and life has continued on this Earth. Its heart warming to meet people who feel the same.

Two of my close friends started their Kitchen gardens this month. Both are from Lahore, Pakistan. I wanted to share their photos and experience so that some of my readers might feel inspired to grow their own gardens.

Umme Aimen Kazmi writes on her Facebook:

Baby M with his plants. courtesy Umme Aimen Kazmi
"Inspired by my friend Zahra Ali Husain (Crops in Pots) I decided to try my hand at gardening. The ideal place to start was the tiny balcony next to my kitchen. Since my only previous attempt at growing something was wayyy back in primary school where they had us grow bean sprouts for a science experiment, I was a little nervous. Rightly so, because the first few plants i got from the nursery started wilting on day 3! *I wasn't watering them adequately* Anyway, after building my courage with a few flowers bought from the nursery I got seeds to grow some plants from scratch! The joy i felt when I saw the first tiny leaf sprout from the soil was indescribable! It was like giving birth to a baby without all the blood and gore! :D :D It's been 2 1/2 weeks since i started gardening and the experience has been wonderful. I love watching the plants grow little by little each day :') Thank you Zahra ! "

' Curious little gardener'  Courtesy Umme Aimen Kazmi

Aimen, I love the way you planted your garden with your baby. I am feeling as excited as I felt when I planted my first seed. Proud of you!

First day of kitchen gardening . Courtesy: Syed Fawad Haider Rizvi
My other friend, Fawad, finally managed to get all the seeds and equipments to start his kitchen garden. All these wonderful images fill my heart with unexplainable joy! Thanks for sharing your photos and love of nature!
Seeds and the seed tray. Courtesy: Syed Fawad Haider Rizvi

Happy Gardening!


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