Tuesday 24 September 2013

DIY: Instant Cuban Oregano Plants

There is nothing simpler than starting your own Cuban Oregano plant from a cutting. 

Commonly available Cuban Oregano, formally know as Coleus Aromaticus, is not a true oregano. It is also called Mexican Mint, Spanish Thyme and Indian Borage. There are at least 40 plants listed as Oregano. Most commonly used oregano, Mexican oregano, is also a false oregano and a relative of Lemon Verbena. 'Common Oregano' is wild Majoram and also called Greek Oregano.Feeling confused? Well, don't be. Even if the Cuban Oregano is not a true oregano it still has an intense flavor and an unforgettable fragrance that adds freshness to your meals. 

The large fuzzy and succulent type leaves might not even look like oregano to you but once you rub gently on a leaf, you will smell a hint of thyme and strong fragrance of oregano. The plant grows 2-3 feet tall and has a spreading habit. 

Growing Cuban Oregano at Home

Cuban Oregano loves a sunny spot. It will survive in partial shade as well but will be prone to pest and diseases. Too much fertilizer will make the plant grow excessively but will lose its flavor. Keep soil well drained and let is dry out a little between watering. The easiest way to start your own Cuban Oregano plant is but cuttings. This should be done during early spring, early fall or during a monsoon season.

I started my oregano plant from a packet of fresh herbs I got from Sungold Organic farms last week. You can pick a few stems from a nursery or a friend or simply use your store bought fresh herbs.

Select new 3-4 inch long stems with leaves on it. Pick all the leaves from the bottom leaving only a set or two of tiny new leaves on the top. Make an angled cut at the bottom and quickly put it in a cup of water until to prepare your pot.
Pick a pot that you want your herbs to grow in and fill it with 70% sand and 30% manure or home made compost to make a simple and basic soil mix. I like to water my pot before planting cuttings. 

Gently, push the stems 2 inch deep into the soil. Plant cutting at 3 inch distance. Keep your new plants in partial sun for a week or two then bring them into the full sun. Make sure to keep it moist at this stage.

There you have it! Your own pot of fresh Cuban Oregano! Grow it organically to get maximum benefit of this wonderful herb.

Happy Gardening!

*Come back soon for a post on drying oregano quickly.


  1. the leaves look like ajwain plant leaves. any relation to those?

  2. Nice blog..i like "Growing Cuban Oregano at Home" this section of blog. Thanks for sharing useful information.

  3. Yes, they are ajwain plants

  4. It is also called Big Leaf Thyme.


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