Well not exactly grapevines, but grape-tomato vines! These blissfully lovely vines are not less in anyway. I am totally in love with these and best thing is that I can have them in my garden whole yearlong.
Grape tomatoes are amazing to grow! They are best for summer crops too. They come in bunches of shiny, 1/2” red, elongated globes. The vigorous vines grow up to 8 feet high with abundance of fruit. These are sweetest tomatoes ever! I am totally in love with them.
Grape tomatoes are amazing to grow! They are best for summer crops too. They come in bunches of shiny, 1/2” red, elongated globes. The vigorous vines grow up to 8 feet high with abundance of fruit. These are sweetest tomatoes ever! I am totally in love with them.
Mouth-watering grape tomatoes are absolutely irresistible. Vines look stunningly beautiful and they produce fruits like crazy. I planted NAPA HYBRID grape tomatoes. Seeds are little expensive than others and there are hardly 10-15 seeds in each pack. But you can always save new seeds for next round for non hybrid grape type tomatoes. Hybrid will very rarely produce plant exactly like itself. But i accidentally squeezed one tomato in a pot and now there are around 30 tiny plants! So I'll experiment! May be I'll get a plant true to the original one. This award winner variety is a must for every vegetable garden.
I planted mine twice since august’07. And as my second batch of crops is still fruiting abundantly, my next batch will be ready to be transferred to larger pots in 3 weeks. These will produce well through out the summers too. It takes almost 60-70 days after germination to harvest your crops. These are the sweetest, most delicious tomatoes you have ever tasted!
I planted mine twice since august’07. And as my second batch of crops is still fruiting abundantly, my next batch will be ready to be transferred to larger pots in 3 weeks. These will produce well through out the summers too. It takes almost 60-70 days after germination to harvest your crops. These are the sweetest, most delicious tomatoes you have ever tasted!
Fruits come in stunning clusters and it’s amazing how each bunch gets colored. Sunlight makes red globes even more tempting. I love all stages of grape tomatoes. Yellow blooms come in beautiful clusters, as they dry out, little green globes emerge which enlarge into grape’s size green bunches.

Recently most exciting thing happened! My enchanted grape tomatoes did their magic on a little 3 years old girl. A friend was visiting me with her little daughter. And as a “tradition” they had to see my garden before they could enter. Little girl, who hated tomatoes before just like her parents, got attracted to little shinny red globes. She was totally spellbound! Some popped out of her month and ran across the terrace, as she tired to swallow them as a whole! But she just couldn't keep her hands off them; there were hardly any left on the vines after her attack on them.
Last week we met again after a month or two, and her parents told me that now she leaves no tomato lying in the fridge. I was so excited to know that. Kids don’t eat vegetables. But picking up fresh vegetables from branches makes it exciting experience for all. Even I can never forget when I pulled out carrots and potatoes from the ground for the first time; I was almost the same age. It was such an extra ordinary feeling! May be that’s the only reason why I wanted to grow vegetables myself.
Oh its delightfully divine experience to grow and harvest your own vegetable. And an excellent way to encourage children to grow, to nurture and to enjoy nature’s fast food!
Last week we met again after a month or two, and her parents told me that now she leaves no tomato lying in the fridge. I was so excited to know that. Kids don’t eat vegetables. But picking up fresh vegetables from branches makes it exciting experience for all. Even I can never forget when I pulled out carrots and potatoes from the ground for the first time; I was almost the same age. It was such an extra ordinary feeling! May be that’s the only reason why I wanted to grow vegetables myself.
Oh its delightfully divine experience to grow and harvest your own vegetable. And an excellent way to encourage children to grow, to nurture and to enjoy nature’s fast food!
Enjoy Gardening!
Share your experience of growing crops.
In my next blog, I’ll be updating you on my garden!